Thursday, November 5, 2015

And the TC deed is done

I took the opportunity of good weather, that is 'no rain' , to take TC, entourage and our Corfe Castle chicken residents on the 'Road to Corfe Castle'. There was some debate as to where to next but I think their course is set ......Scotland in the Autumn sounds good.


  1. This is awesome! Well done! What media did you use?

  2. Hi Pandalana - soft pastel ( unison ) on colourfix paper. Glad you like it .

  3. What a wonderful pastel you've done of the group. I live in California and was one of the very early participants. The Little Chicken arrived, all by herself, so I added a family. I bought the mother and chicks off of EBay, the gallo rojo and the gallo azul are crafted by a fairly famous man in Mexico and called out to me from a store that specializes in Mexican handicrafts. It's wonderful to see that they've all journeyed around the world successfully in harmony, making friends wherever they go. Thank you for hosting them. Happy Journeys Miss Chicken.
