Friday, December 9, 2016

The Traveling Chicken visits NYC (Part 1)

A few days ago, a long, narrow package arrived. I had ordered some new brushes so that's what I expected to see, but as I opened the package I realised it was something far better.

  I caught this glimpse... "AHHHH!"
"What is it, what is it?" asked my kids as they gathered around.

I said they had to be patient because some very special guests had arrived. I carefully unwrapped the package. Out came Ms Chick (or TC, the traveling yellow chicken, as she is otherwise known), Mama Chick and her babies and Señor Gallo Azul - the rooster.
The birds were all very happy to be out of their box to stretch their wings.

Just then, two ceramic cows appeared, to see what all the fuss was about.

Well in no time at all everyone had made their introductions.

Mr Jersey the blue cow and Friesia the spotted cow (who looks after the butter), welcomed the traveling friends and they were all soon chatting away.

Mr Jersey is quite the talker. He and Señor Gallo Azul really hit it off. Mr Jersey told them all about the bright lights of NYC (which is 40 minutes from here) and Señor Azul talked all about their visits to distant lands and about their adventures and mishaps.

The 3 wingèd friends have traveled far and wide. Ms Chick regretted once partying too hard in her younger day and Señor Azul at one point had to be fixed up from a head injury. Sad to say that Ms Chick is also starting to show some wear and tear but neither of these two are prepared to grow old gracefully; they are still up for adventure and both said that New York City sounds great and they can't wait to see it.

Listening into the conversation were three turkeys who, for reasons known only to themselves live amongst the hydrangeas in the corner of the kitchen. A new turkey has appeared there at Thanksgiving, every year for the last 3 years.

The turkeys, Bernard, Matthew and Cranberry were also very curious to meet these new birds that had arrived, so they made a rare excursion out of the hydrangeas and came down to introduce themselves to the group.

Well for the next hour there was much squawking and clucking.

The turkeys are quite wise old birds and gave the three friends lots of advice on how to get around New York City, should they decide to visit during their stay.

One of the turkeys noticed his picture was being taken and kept his eye on me. Turkeys can live perilous lives. I think that's why they keep a low profile in the hydrangeas.

'The Traveling Chicken visits NYC' - the story continues in: Part 2.

And read more about the Traveling Chicken in my blog:

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