Friday, January 30, 2015

Hello from the Chicago subrubs!

TC and her entourage arrived here last Tuesday after being nestled safely in their brand new accommodations, carefully selected by our fantastic mod Pandalana. While everyone traveled comfortably and arrived safely, they unfortunately arrived to a very chilly and wet week. While that sort of weather isn't conducive to adventuring, when you're on a whirlwind tour around the world, it can be nice to just take a week out to relax and enjoy the pitter-pat of very much unseasonable raindrops. 

Studies | 2015 | Gouache

My guests were all very good sports and allowed me to use part of our time spent indoors doing studies of each of them on their own. These were done in gouache, a medium I haven't used much before, but which I found that I enjoyed quite a bit. Even more than its wild-child sibling, watercolor.

TC and Her Friends | 2015 | Oil

I sent TC and friends off on the next leg of their adventure a couple of days ago, and am very much looking forward to their continued adventures.


If you're interested in seeing more of my work, please feel free to check out my website: I'm also on tumblr and twitter or you can reach me directly at sparkselrose@gmail


  1. I love your painting and chicken studies! I also got a laugh out of your description of gouache and "it's wild-child, watercolor"! Funny stuff!

  2. Is this the same chicken I took to Canada a couple of years ago? If it is, the art world is amazingly small, and I'm glad we are connected in this way too (in addition to being closely related!)

  3. This is such an awesome painting! Love the colors!

  4. It is good to see Ms Chick again in all her rainbow colored friends company. They look like they are twirling!
