Sunday, July 26, 2015

SUP Chicken

After their long flight TC and Friends needed some time to relax on the beach and take in the scenery of Esquimalt Lagoon and Fisgard Lighthouse. They even tried a little stand up paddle boarding. 

After a couple days of relaxing they were ready to meet new friends at Glow Art Gallery in Metchosin where this month they are celebrating birds!! TC was a gracious model patiently posing while enjoying a cluck over coffee and cookies with all the artists who flock to the Gallery on Sundays to visit and create. 

Bon Voyage TC.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

TC and Friends visit Victoria, BC

We are all atwitter eager to meet the gang and hear about Miss Chick's travels. The Victorian Sandpiper Sisters eagerly took TC and friends under their wing planning a beach party and a day of rest and relaxation at Esquimalt Lagoon.

However TC's, like all travellers, first priority after landing was to catch up with friends via social media. Unfortunately she missed meeting Dominick the Traveling Donkey who was absent in parts unknown possibly Manitoba. DTD was last seen in March at Disney World with Jordy by way of Vietnam and Cambodia last fall. Who knows where he will turn up next! Maybe they will meet in "person" some day.

Friday, July 10, 2015

TChick in Alaska!

Traveling Chicken's visit 
to the Alaska Panhandle was short but fun.
Her adventures here began on July 3rd! 
Juneau celebrates Independence Day beginning with a fireworks display that starts 12:01am July 4th. 
"Everybody" goes down to the docks or the beaches 
on Douglas Island to see the
(That particular YouTube link is from someone who recorded from Mt Roberts, 
which looms above the city.)

I signed up for TC about a year and a half ago, had to postpone once, then finally was able to host her. I've had a little time to think about the journeys TC has made and the artists who have explored their home habitats with her and painted her portrait. 

It is so neat to imagine her traveling the world, gently handled by artistic hands and then carefully bundled and mailed 
to the next destination.

Traveling Chicken in SE Alaska w/Salmonberries  7"x5" oil on black mounting board
Safe travels TC - and Bon Voyage! 
(next stop Victoria, BC, Canada!)

And many thanks to Pandalana
for continuing to orchestrate this big adventure.

To see all of TC's SE Alaska trip go to my blog on July 4  -  teri's art
and scroll through.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


The Traveling Chicken and all of her friends wish everyone a happy and safe Independence Day in the US!

- Pandalana

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Traveling Chicken and the Cupcake

TC and the brood had quite a good time visiting Pa!!
She didn't know it at the time, but she was arriving to some huge excitement here!  We moved into a new house and studio!!  And TC was so excited to be our first guest!!

First thing first after playing with the puppy and relaxing in the spa....TC wanted to get to the studio! 

Since she was so tired from her journey, she took herself out the studio door to the porch overlooking the vegetable garden.  Senior Gallo Azure and TC again rested...and who can blame them, the view is amazing, and the sounds of wildlife forced her to spend some serious time out there.

The next morning she woke up all bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to pose.  "But first," I said, "I need to bake cupcakes for a chicken party!"  I had a feeling TC would love cupcakes and a chicken party just for her!
So TC  perched herself right up on the cupcake to pose as Senior Gallo Azure smiled his charming little smile!!

Chickens and Cupcakes
8 x 8
Available Here

Smiles from PA!

Be sure to visit JoanneGrantART for more on TC's time in PA before TC and the Gang headed to Alaska!!!